Staff Training
Bridge SLT offer a range of training packages, including bespoke solutions.
If you have any questions or queries for us, please Contact us here

Phonological Awareness training:
This training is aimed at Early Years staff, KS1 staff, Trainee teachers, Literacy coordinators and SENCO’s. The course is based on work by Helen Stringer at Newcastle University. Throughout this training course participants will learn:
- What is Phonological awareness?
- Why are Phonological Awareness skills so important for Speech, Language and Literacy development?
- How do children learn Phonological awareness skills ? – The developmental framework.
- Why some children are getting ‘stuck’ with their phonics development & what to do about it
This training course offers a mix of theory and practical tasks which are backed up by current research. A screening tool and resources are provided, to enable participants to go away equipped to provide children in their settings with the skills they need in this crucial area of development.
The course is typically delivered over 3-4 sessions in a mixture of half day/twilight sessions, but can be tailored to the needs of the audience. Please contact us to enquire about this course.
What participants have said about this course:-
“ This made me aware of why some children struggle with phonics and now I know what to do about it!” - F2 Teacher
“ I now know how to assess children to ensure they have the phonological awareness skills ready for phonics teaching. This will have an impact on the Phonic assessment and reading development throughout the school” - SENCo
“ A very interesting course, it will change my practice” - EYFS Coordinator
ICAN’S Early Talk Boost:
Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children with delayed language development helping to boost their language skills to help narrow the gap between them and their peers. Early Talk Boost is delivered in early years settings by classroom teachers or TA’s.
On average children make 6 months progress after a nine week intervention period helping them to catch up with other children their age. This is twice the amount of progress of children not having the intervention. During this time, staff will run 3x 15-20 minute sessions with the identified children per week. There are 2 parent sessions built into the course to allow parents to support their children to take the communication skills they learn in their Early Talk Boost groups into their home.
Who is the Early Talk Boost intervention aimed at?
The Early Talk Boost intervention is designed for children aged 3-4 with language delay, typically those who have:
-Difficulty listening/paying attention
-Poor vocabulary
-Difficulty understanding language
-Difficulty organising and using language
-Immature sentences
-Difficulty explaining or describing
-Difficulty taking turns
Early Talk Boost training is typically delivered in a full day but can be split if required. Participants will learn, how to use the online tracker to identify children suitable for Early Talk Boost, how to deliver the intervention and how to measure impact. Written reports showing the impact of your intervention are provided by ICAN and can be used to evidence the changes you are seeing in your children. Resources required to run this course are available direct from ICAN. These provide everything participants need to go away and start using the intervention.
You can read more about Early Talk Boost here
Please contact us to enquire about this course.
ICAN’S Talk Boost KS1:
Talk Boost KS1 is a targeted and evidence-based intervention programme, which supports language delayed children in Reception and Key Stage One (KS1) to make progress with their language and communication skills. The programme is delivered in primary schools by classroom teachers and assistants and provides a structured programme that accelerates children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 18 months after a ten week intervention. Staff will deliver 3 x 30-40 minute, small group sessions and one whole class activity for the 10 week duration of the intervention. Home activities are also provided.
Talk Boost KS1 is aimed at 4-7 year olds with delayed speech, language and communication. These children often have difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling and are more likely to have behavioural issues.
Talk Boost KS1 training is for reception, year one and year two teachers and teaching assistants, training in pairs. It is important that staff attend in teacher and teaching assistant training pairs, as this is the structure that the intervention is based around.
You can read more about TalkBoost at
Resources required to run this course are available to purchase direct from ICAN.
Please contact us for more information about attending this course.
"Very helpful course, I like the way everything is set out and all the planning is at hand. I also like the way it is linked to the classroom".
"Thought the training was excellent and will implement it into practice immediately"
"I think I would see a big difference (in the children), especially in listening and conversation”
Bespoke Training packages:
If you wish to provide training in an area not covered by our current training packages we would be happy to talk to you further about your requirements. We are able to write bespoke training packages to cover specific areas within your school or early years setting. Please contact us for more information.